2015 B2B Technology Marketing Success

2015 B2B Technology Marketing Success

2014 is almost over and what a year it has been! Looking back, it was another year successful B2B Tech Marketers stepped up to the challenges and opportunities of exploiting digital marketing, leveraging Cloud business models and responding to the shift in purchase decisions moving to the business buyer. Expect those macro trends to continue in 2015. Here is my take on what will shape B2B Technology Marketing execution success in 2015.

  1. Marketing accountability shifts to opportunity pipeline creation and customer acquisition, not simply lead generation. No more throwing leads over the wall to sales. Time to embrace and own driving the buyer process end-to-end
  2. Performance-based marketing approaches become the norm. Days of leap-of-faith marketing are truly (and thankfully) behind us. Question everything. Measure everything. Build on what works.
  3. Marketing automation adoption continues to bolster the lead-to-revenue process. If you already have a marketing automation platform in place, you are in great position to exploit the many cutting edge marketing services being built around these platforms.
  4. Programs for turning successful customers into advocates gain priority and investment. A surprisingly overlooked area. There is no marketing tactic more powerful than getting happy customers to speak up, especially in today’s social, hyper-connected world.
  5. Conversion Rate Optimization discovered as the most underutilized lever for improving marketing performance.
  6. Marketers begin to realize Content Marketing is means to ends, not end in itself. Conversation shifts (back) to strategy and goals.
  7. Email marketing not dead, again.



Brenda Stoltz


Brenda has over 20 years of experience building, selling and marketing products for F100 and start-ups.