[eBook] How To Send Instant Holiday Gifts using Marketo: A Step-By-Step Guide

[eBook] How To Send Instant Holiday Gifts using Marketo: A Step-By-Step Guide

Tis the season to show your customers you care! And what better way to say thank you than to send a gift. The holidays are a busy time for everyone, so we put together a step-by-step guide, planning checklist and email template to help you break through the noise and present digital gifts and greetings that your customers will remember and appreciate. Connecting with your customers this season will also help you close Q4 deals, while setting the stage for next year.

Here is what you will learn in our 7-step guide:

Step 1: Choose Who To Thank This Season

Before you create your holiday campaign, think about who you want to target and what you want to say to them. Each segment, from partners to prospective customers, should receive a tailored message and a digital gift selected specifically for that segment. For example, you could send customers you are courting for references and recommendations a one-year Hulu Plus subscription to get them excited about supporting you into the New Year.

Step 2: Build Recipient Lists In Marketo

Now that you’ve divided everyone you want to target into segments, you can create a Marketo program to manage your campaign. Our eBook will show you step-by-step how to do this!

Step 3: Design Your Holiday Email

Be creative and design an email that will resonate with each of your segments. They can be created in Marketo and sent using Marketo Smart Campaigns. Your holiday gifts will be attached to these emails and sent to your customers. When writing each message, remember to be sincere. We have included a Marketo-ready holiday email template to jump-start your gifting campaign.

Step 4: 1-Click Gift Ordering

When you decide which gifts will be going to each segment, purchasing them will only take a matter of minutes, thanks to Rybbon’s 1-click ordering. Rybbon will notify you when your gifts are ready to be sent.

Step 5: Add Gifts To Your Holiday Emails

Rybbon’s Marketo integration makes it easy to add digital gifts to any Marketo email. The gifts will also instantly be formatted to fit the email perfectly. Detailed steps about how to incorporate your gifts are in the eBook!

Step 6: Create Marketo Smart Campaigns

Marketo Smart Campaigns will allow you to send and schedule your campaigns to your segmented recipients. If you forget to include anyone in your lists of recipients, you can make those changes quickly and easily. The new gift emails will only go to the newly added recipients.

Step 7: Opportunities For Your Sales Team

Your Marketo Smart Campaign will give sales the opportunity to follow up with your customers and partners when a holiday gift is claimed. It is the perfect way to keep the lanes of communication open and deals on track. Our eBook will show you how to set up Marketo to send your sales manager a notification when a recipient opens their gift.


Check out our eBook (with planning checklist and holiday email template) and learn how to build, execute and track an unforgettable holiday marketing campaign!

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Brenda Stoltz


Brenda has over 20 years of experience building, selling and marketing products for F100 and start-ups.